LEADER: (Taking the matzoh tash containing the three matzot) In the ceremony of breaking, or "Yachatz." I break the middle matzah in two and remove the larger half, which I will hide. This portion is the "Afikomen." (Replace the smaller half of matzoh in the "tash" and put down.) (Demonstrating with a linen napkin and the broken holf of matzoh) We wrap this half and "bury" it symbolically. Now if the children will cover their eyes, I will hide it somewhere in the room to be found and "ransomed" later in our Seder. (Leader will hide the matzoh.) There are always three matzot wrapped together for Passover, with various explanations for this tradition. The Rabbis call the three a unity, representing the patriarchs – Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob – or the Priests, the Levites and Am Yisrael (the People of Israel).

haggadah Section: Yachatz