At a traditional seder we fill a cup of wine for the prophet Elijah who is a symbol of redemption.

At this seder we are raising a cup of water as a symbol of the redemption that women have brought through the generations.

All: Water is the symbol of life.

Reader: The biblical prophet Miriam saved her brother from the waters of the Nile, she led the song of victory aber the waters of the red sea parted and God gave abundant water to the people.

Reader: We remember Miriam the prophet, who danced at the Sea of Reeds to celebrate the  Exodus, a well of fresh water was said to follow her in the desert so that the Israelites always had water to drink. We remember Prophet Miriam

Reader: Instead of being enslaved, Harriet Tubman, known as a conductor of the Underground Railroad, set out with her two brothers, and followed the North Star in the sky to guide her north to freedom always walking near the water’s edge.

Reader: We remember, Harriet Tubman, conductor on the Underground Railroad, who led 300 captured Africans from slavery to freedom, as she sang Wade in the Water, a warning to those who followed that the water would protect them from trouble and offer redemption.

All: We acknowledge that water itself is necessary to sustain life. Water is the symbol of redemption.

The Racial Justice & Inclusivity Haggadah

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