The Seder Table

The Seder begins with everyone seated at a beautifully set table. At the head of the table the special Passover items have been arranged:

  • A set of candlesticks
  • Three matzot (unleavened bread) are hidden under a napkin as a reminder of "The Bread of Affliction" that the Children of Israel carried as they fled Egypt
  • A wine goblet for use in ceremonial blessings throughout the Seder and a special wine goblet, the "Cup of Elijah" set in a prominent place
  • A special platter is used called a Seder Plate containing the biblically required elements (Ex. 12:8):
    • Matzah , the Bread of Affliction
    • Z'roeb - A lamb shank, as a reminder of the Passover Lamb
    • Maror - Bitter herbs (horseradish), calls to mind the bitterness of slavery
  • Additionally, new elements that have become traditions have been added to the Seder Plate:
    • Charoset - Made of chopped apples and nuts, mixed with sweet wine, honey and cinnamon. This symbolizes the mortar used by the Hebrew slaves.
    • Karpas- Parsley, to remind us of the promise of new life which bursts forth from God's bounty each spring.
    • A bowl of salt water symbolizing the tears of Hebrew slaves

LEADER: By participating in this rich tradition, all can share the experience of physical and spiritual liberation and redemption.

Have you come to the table feeling shackled by the bonds of daily life? Share in this celebration of deliverance, for God is the same yesterday, today and forever!

The woman of the house will open the service by kindling the candles, from her right to left and reciting:

Blessed are You, LORD our God, King of the universe, Who sanctified us with his commandments, and commanded us to be a light to the nations.

LEADER: It is the woman who determines the spirituality in the home. By encouraging the study of Torah and the meticulous performance of mitzvot, and through her nurturing presence, the woman transforms her home into a place of holiness, peace and tranquility. It is thus fitting that she be the one to bring the extra measure of light and holiness with the [Shabbat] candles.

haggadah Section: Introduction