ALL: Blessed are You, O LORD, our God, Ruler of the Universe, who has chosen us out of all the people of the world and made us holy through Your Word. With love You have given us commandments to follow, festivals for rejoicing, holidays for gladness, and this Feast of Passover, an anniversary to remember our freedom, and this season of deliverance to remember the departure from Egypt. You have chosen us. You  have given  us this Holy Festival with loving kindness and blessed us with Your favor. The cup is a symbol of joy. As we drink this cup, we are reminded of the joy which is ours as a result of our salvation.

LEADER:  Let  us  lift our first cup together and bless the Lord!


Baruch atah  ADONAI,  Eloheynu Melech ha'olam, borey  p'ri  ha'gafen.

Blessed are You, O LORD, our God, King of the Universe, Who creates the fruit of the vine.

All drink the first cup together.

haggadah Section: Kadesh