Kadesh -- Recite the sanctifying blessings and drink the first cup

Ur'chatz -- Wash your hands

Karpas -- Eat a green vegetable  (ur'chatz -- wash your hands)

Yachatz -- Break the middle of the 3 "official" matzas (ur'chatz -- wash your hands)

Maggid -- Tell the stories of our liberation (ur'chatz -- wash your hands)

Roch'tza -- Wash your hands before the meal (ur'chatz -- wash your hands)

Motzi/Matza -- Recite the blessings over bread and the commandment to eat matza (ur'chatz -- wash your hands)

Maror -- Eat the bitter herbs (ur'chatz -- wash your hands)

Korekh -- Combine the matza, maror and charoset (ur'chatz -- wash your hands)

Shulchan Orekh -- Dinner! (ur'chatz -- wash your hands)

Tzafun -- Compete the meal with the afikomen (ur'chatz -- wash your hands)

Hallel -- Songs of praise (ur'chatz -- wash your hands)

Nirtzah -- Conclusion (ur'chatz -- wash your hands)

It has become our custom to sing one verse of DAYEINU before each step of the seder.  You will find them transliterated.

haggadah Section: Introduction