In Haggadot all over the world, we learn about 4 children: the Wise Child, the Wicked Child, the Simple Child, and the Avudraham (the child that doesn't know how to ask a question).

Child 1 (Wise Child):  What are the testimonies and laws which God commanded us? How do I observe Passover?

Adult 1: I'm so glad you asked this question this way -- asking what YOU should do yourself & what G-d commended US (kolall Yisrael).  Imagine that you've been a slave and did not have a room to yourself or any holidays, and that you weren't allowed to go to school or read. Imagine now that you and your parents left slavery in the middle of the night, running, carrying everything that belonged to you, and that you are now free, with food and a home, and friends to share it with! When it comes time for the feast, carry that joy & gratitude with you!

Child 2 (Wicked Child): What does this service mean to you? Doesn't mean anything to me.

Adult 2: Passover is celebrating what God did for me in taking us out of Egypt. By you not asking what it means for YOU or for US, you are acting like you aren't part of the community.  Also, FYI, saying things like "doesn't mean anything to me" hurts your relationship with community. There's a midrash that says if you'd been in Egypt, you would have been left behind. It takes courage & community to become truly free -- and you're more interested in being a smart alec.

Child 3 (Simple Child, in baby voice):  What is this? I'm confused.

Adult 3: With a strong hand God took us out of Egypt, where we were slaves.

Child 4 (Silent child): Just stares & is silent.

Leader: We all have aspects of each of these children in us. Which preson -- child or adult -- do you feel like tonight? What do we have to learn from each of these children?

haggadah Section: -- Four Children