Three pieces of matzah The three matzot represent the two loaves set out in the ancient Temple during a festival day and the extra matzah, which is symbolic of the bread the Jews took with them when they were driven out of Egypt. The matzah are unleavened (not given time to rise) because the Jews had no time to let the dough rise when they were driven out of Egypt.

A roasted shankbone The roasted leg from a sheep or lamb represents the ancient Passover sacrifice of a lamb.

Parsley It represents the renewal of the spring, and our faith that renewal will always come. This can actually be any green herb (but we like parsley!).

Horseradish This is the maror, a bitter herb that stands as a symbol of the bitterness our ancestors experienced as slaves in Egypt. It is also a symbol of the bitterness of all before and since who have suffered oppression and slavery.

Charoset This delicious mix represents the mortar that our ancestors used while doing Pharaoh's labor.

A roasted egg The egg represents the triumph of life over death and the new life that comes with spring

An orange This is newer object for the Seder plate. Although we first heard of it as a response to a negative, in truth the orange symbolizes the sweetness and fruitfulness we can experience in our lives and in our faith when we make a commitment to respect those with whom we do not easily identify.

Elijah's cup Every Seder table has a cup of wine for the Prophet Elijah. Traditionally, Elijah visits every Jewish home at some time during the Seder and has a taste of wine from the cup set aside for him.

Miriam's cup This cup symbolizes and acknowledges all that women have contributed to our faith and our understanding of יְיָ over the years.

Wine The wine symbolizes joy and freedom. House rules are "bottoms up", so choose your glass wisely and fill judiciously!

Salt water The salt water represents the tears the Israelites shed during their oppression under the Egyptians, and the tears of all those who suffer.

The empty chair One chair is always left empty to symbolize the Jews who cannot celebrate Passover openly or freely. They are remembered and welcomed into our Seder on this night.

The Haggadah   This word literally means "to tell". We use the  Haggadot  to tell the story of Passover during our Seder.

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Tanenhaus-Haggadah