In a Nutshell: The Passover Story

The Children of Israel arrive in Egypt; Pharaoh fears their growth and enslaves them; Moses is born.

As a young man, Moses leaves the palace and discovers the hardship of his brethren; thus begins his journey to become leader of the Israelites. He approaches Pharaoh to let the Israelites go.

Pharaoh refuses to let the People of Israel go; G-d brings upon Egypt ten plagues; the people of Egypt beg Pharaoh to let the Jews go; Pharaohs heart remains hardened.

Pharaoh's resistance is finally broken and he actually chases the Israelites from his land. Finally, the Jews are free. and they s walked until they reached the sea. Pharaoh had changed his mind. He was chasing after his slaves, trying to recapture them. G‑d told Moses to stretch his arm out over the waters, and all at once, the sea split! The Jews were able to walk through on dry land, but as soon as the Egyptians stepped foot in the sea, the walls of water came crashing down on them. The Jews were free!

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story