Family is like fudge: mostly sweet, with a couple of nuts

If you thought the Elsons were weird already, then just brace yourself for this seder.


Top 9 Reasons to Celebrate Passover

1 Save money by using last year’s Matza (it won’t taste any
      different and you haven’t thought of eating it since then)

2. Elbows on the table

3. Maror – it’s a better medicine for sinuses than any prescription.

4. Four cups of wine (and if Elijah doesn’t show this year, there’s a 5th!!)

5. The extra cash from selling your Chometz comes in handy after Spring Break.

6. The required cleaning of the refrigerator gives you a reason to
    throw out that old milk container.

7. You actually eat the parsley.

8. Reasons to use your wooden spoon, candle, and feather
   collection that you can actually tell you mother about.

9. Think of all the toilet paper you save by eating Matzah for a week.


haggadah Section: Introduction