Miriam's Cup

Zot kos Miriam, kos mayyim chayyim.

This is the Cup of Miriam, the Cup of Living Waters.

It is said that Miriam the prophetess, Moses's sister, was a source of strength and sustenance to her people. In some legends, a spring-- Miriam's well-- accompanies her in the desert, providing fresh water to the Israelites. Spring is a time of rain. "Spring" is both a word for this season of rebirth  and  the word for a source of bubbling fresh water. Miriam's Cup symbolizes the renewal we gain when we all join together at this time.

We will pass the cup around the table. As it comes to us, we will each pour a little bit of our own water into the cup, creating our  own  spring of wisdom and new intentions. If you like, as you pour your water into the Miriam's cup, you can share something you hope to bring to the world in this new year, or something that sustains you.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu