ALL: Tonight is different because we remember that our people were slaves in Egypt under Pharaoh, and our God brought us out with strength and the might of His Hand. If God had not brought us out, we would still be slaves in Egypt. We would not be a People. And in the fullness of time, comes the Messiah, a son of Jacob, and in Him, we have our redemption. It is a story of God's love and justice and care - for those who are poor and whose hope is in Him. The matzah reminds us of the haste in which our ancestors left Egypt, for the dough had not the time to rise, but baked hard and flat in the desert sun. The Maror reminds us of the bitterness s of the bondage of slavery. We remember also that Messiah, our Passover, set us free from the bondage of sin. We dip twice - first as a symbol of replacing our tears with joy, and second to season the taste of bitterness, knowing that Messiah is our sweetness in the bitter times of life.

LEADER: Reclining is a symbol of the free man who can eat in leisure. So this pillow reminds us of our freedom, for in trusting God we are secure.

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions