Lo Dayenu        

To: Dayenu

Chorus:   Lo Dayenu (3x)

                 It would not be enough.

If the banks had helped homeowners

Who the Great Recession crippled

If they’d saved folks from foreclosure

It would not be enough.



If Wall Street bankers were imprisoned

For those C. D. O.’s quite toxic

If we jailed them for their misdeeds

It would not be enough.


  If CEO’s had linked their paychecks

To the mean employee earnings

If we’d end income disparity

It would not be enough.



Pharaohs rode the backs of poor folks

Now the rich do all the riding

Control the votes, the laws, and Justice

They never have enough.

Chorus Change: Lo Dayenu (3x)

                           They never have enough.

We must act to get our fair share

We must vote to have our needs met

We must choose much better leaders

We must demand enough.

Chorus Change: Dai, dayenu (3x)

                            We must demand enough.

Copyright 2012 by Kal Winer • [email protected]

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: Original