Just One Percent

To: Chad Gadya

Just one percent

Just one percent

Control almost half

Of the nation’s wealth.

Just one percent

Just one percent

Their dividends aren’t taxed

As ordinary income,

Control almost half

Of the nation’s wealth.

Just one percent

Just one percent

They rarely have to serve

In the military,

Their dividends aren’t taxed

As ordinary income,

Control almost half

Of the nation’s wealth.

Just one percent

Just one percent

They rule the country

As though they were the Pharoah,

They rarely have to serve

In the military,

Their dividends aren’t taxed

As ordinary income,

Control almost half

Of the nation’s wealth.

Just one percent

Just one percent

They run politicians

With their big donations,

They rule the country

As though they were the Pharaoh,

They rarely have to serve

In the military,

Their dividends aren’t taxed

As ordinary income,

Control almost half

Of the nation’s wealth.

Just one percent

Just one percent

All power’s at the top,

Shaped like Egypt’s pyramids,

They run politicians

With their big donations,

They rule the country

As though they were the Pharaoh,

They rarely have to serve

In the military,

Their dividends aren’t taxed

As ordinary income,

Control almost half

Of the nation’s wealth.

Just one percent

Just one percent

Copyright 2012 by Kal Winer • [email protected]

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: Original