four children

There are four boys that we talk about during the seder. As we talk about them we think of the four ways that people might think about the passover seder. We think of the boys as the four perspectives of the seder. The four boys are wise, wicked, simple, and the one who does not know how to ask. The wise child asks what are the laws that god commanded you to do. You're job is to explain to the wise child about the laws that god commanded the jewish people to do. The wicked child will ask what all of this that we do on passover means to you. You will then teach him how important the seder is and why we do it. Thesimple child asks what is this that we do onthe first nights of passover. You will simply answer that god took us out of Egypt with a strong hand after we were slaves in Egypt. Then for the child who does not know how to ask you can start telling the storyof passover. It is important to talk about the story of passover in all different perspectives because all people are different. There are lots of different sides to the passover seder. meaningless sad happy and many more. A good question to ask you're self is witch one of the 4 brothers are most like you? Or are you even like one of the brother or do you think there is a totally different perspective for the story of passover.  After you think about that think of questions that you can ask at the seder!

haggadah Section: -- Four Children