1. Pollution everywhere, and not a drop to drink (blood in rivers)

2. Ecosystems going "out of whack" (affecting frogs, and other living things)

3. Huge dislocations in daily life (think lice, but much much worse)

4. Species extinction (beasts no more)

5. Loss of reliable food supply (cattle plague)

6. Spread of tropical diseases (boils and other globalizing ailments)

7. Changes in weather patterns (hail being just one example)

8. Crop failure (locusts and other agricultural nightmares)

9. Rising sea levels pushing whole islands underwater (darkness)

10. Millions of environmental refugees fueling unrest (killing of firstborn) 

Ten Things You Can Do To Help Avoid These Plagues:

1. Drive less

2. Drive smarter (better mileage car, fully-inflated tires, tune-ups)

3. Turn your thermostat down (in winter) and up (in summer)

4. Turn off lights and appliances when you’re not using them

5. Install timers and light-detectors for your lighting needs

6. Buy Energy Star, ultra-efficient appliances and electronics

7. Switch to green power where possible; install wind & solar units

8. Organize!

9. Educate!

10. Vote your conscience; vote for the future

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: Rabbi Fred Scherlinder Dobb http://scherlinders.files.wordpress.com%2F2009%2F05%2F12-fsd-thesis-appendix-b-green-cong-docs-pp-271-307.doc