So why do we tell the story of the Exodus again and again?

We tell the story of the Exodus then because it is just as true today as it was thirty five hundred years ago.

We tell the story of the Exodus because it is not just the story of our people but our story as individuals in search of redemption and healing in our lives.

We tell the story of the Exodus because slavery is just as much a threat today as it was in past generations. And genocide is as much a reality in our time as it was in the time of Moses.

We tell the story of the Exodus not to grow bitter and angry because of our suffering but to grow better because of our gratitude.

We tell the story of the Exodus to deepen our sensitivity to the suffering of others and the divine call for justice.

We tell the story of the Exodus because there is no one who has not passed through tough times and narrow places in their lives. By telling our people’s story we can find the strength to face life’s trials and tribulations. 

haggadah Section: Introduction