Who knows "one"?

Who knows one? I know one: one humankind is here in the world.

Who knows two? I know two: in two parts is humankind divided: poor and rich.

Who knows three? I know three: the Christian Trinity darkens the world.

Who knows four? I know four: the four basics rule work.

Who knows five? I know five: Capital controls all five continents.

Who knows six? I know six: six days of the week a worker becomes besmirched.

Who knows seven? I know seven: the rich person counts seven days a week as Holiday.

Who knows eight? I know eight: from eight days on, a little boy already suffers because of religion.

Who knows nine? I know nine: Nine months to work three months closer to death.

Who knows ten? I know ten: from Ten Commandments came the 613 mitsvot.

Who knows eleven? I know eleven: only rabbis and idlers can compare eleven merchants with eleven stars.

Who knows twelve? I know twelve: twelve holes are in a dozen bagels, and this is opposed to the twelve tribes.

Who knows thirteen? I know thirteen: to thirteen thousand atheists is the Capitalist system useless!

haggadah Section: Conclusion
Source: A Bund Haggadah: Russian Social-Democratic Worker's Party Pesakh Haggadah According to a New Mode (1900)