The word "Israel" means "to wrestle with God." It was given to Jacob for his all night wrestle with the angel. Jacob's descendants are the Israelites whom modern day Jews are descended from. There could never be a more appropriate name given to a people. The Old Testament God is cruel and struggles with his chosen people whom he punishes for straying and worshipping other gods and not fulfilling his commandments. Outside of biblical times, the Jews have struggled with the entire world, facing brutality, displacement, and marginalization for hundreds of years culminating in a genocide in the 20th century. The state of Israel in and of itself is a struggle. It is truly a fitting name. But Jews are not isolated in our oppression, all the world wrestles with oppression in some form or another. It is not placed on them by a god, but by other humans. If there is such suffering in the world, how then can we reconcile with the notion of god? Everyone who has ever lived as wrestled with their faith in the divine.

Passover is holiday about celebration of freedom from bondage. One of my favorite sayings is "bold and radical action is as Jewish as matzo ball soup." I order my seder in the framework of social justice. Tonight is different from all other nights in that we will celebrate our lives and privileges joyously but also meditate on oppression and how we can make the world better. In Hebrew it's called "tikkun olam," healing the world. Through this may we find the divine in ourselves and in others.

haggadah Section: Introduction