Top Five Ideas for a Great Seder

1. Passover is NOT a reading Holiday, it's a discussion, use the Haggadah as a guide...keep the conversation going.

2. Prepare in advance, and ask your guests to prepare something, perhaps a story, a good question or a quick Passover game to go around the table with.

3. As a parent, remember that education is NOT imparting information, but sharing your passion. Think of ways to show your seder participants YOUR passion for the Seder, like dressing up or having props.

4. At the Passover seder remember to use all your senses to recount the slavery, followed by the exodus from Egypt. Taste (think bitter herbs), smell (think charoses), sight (blury vision after 4 cups of wine!) and our body (as we lean to the left when doing something that represents freedom like drinking the wine and eating Matza)!

5. Remember God...I don't just mean as part of reading the Haggadah. Mention God in your own words. Passover is a great time to say in your own words and conversation that God did this for us ! Also remember that tonight is about the Jewish People.  Tell our story, not their stories, that's his-tory ! Keep the conversation about Judaism and Israel, not politics and Darfur.

Wishing you a Happy Passover and an awesome Seder!

haggadah Section: Introduction