Welcome to the first Seder at 3650 Bernay. We are so lucky to have you all in our family and here on this special day to celebrate with us.  We have lots to celebrate. First and foremost, we would like to dedicate the Seder tonight to the liberation of Dolly Sklar from the clutches of The Buddy Foundation and the Pharoah of Pike County.  It is miracles like this that bring us together and define us as Jews. Our good nature and understanding, our commitment to family and honoring tradition allow us to live our values and teach them to our next generation.

We would also like to celebrate the many guests we have here tonight including Greg, who has come all the way from Colorado to be with us tonight. We also welcome Max and Grace Dykeman who represent the next generation of Dykemans, along with Jake and William, representing the next generation of VanderPlases. 

To all the cooks that have helped make this night special, and you know who you are "moms", we love you! Thank you so much for making every day of our lives special.  Dad's, don't worry we get it, it’s more of a mom thing anyways. Dads have a purpose too, and we would never forget to thank them too. 

So welcome everyone, enjoy.  Amen

haggadah Section: Cover
Source: Sklar Welcome