
We open the door for Elijah

... and remember perilous times when Jews barred their doors to keep hateful enemies out; days and nights of terror and fear, betrayal and treachery.

We open the door for Elijah ... because the prophets of Israel offer a different vision: a world reshaped by kindness, openness, generosity, and love.

We open the door for Elijah ... and recall the prophecy of Malachi: Elijah will bring an end to ceaseless, intractable conflict; he will turn the hearts of parents toward their children and the hearts of children toward their parents.

We open the door for Elijah ... and fill his cup to the brim, because the hope he promises fills our hearts to overflowing.

We rise from our seder table and open the door to this home because the messianic task is here, and it is our task: it is up to us to let Elijah in— and with him, the beauty of the still small voice.

haggadah Section: Bareich