These Are Our Plagues

A drop of wine for the pharaohs within.

A drop of wine ... for brutality that blots out beauty.

A drop of wine ... for rage that overwhelms our awe.

A drop of wine ... for caring more about the mastery of life

than the mystery of life.

A drop of wine ... for the extinction of herds and flocks, swarms, flights,

 and shoals of creatures.

A drop of wine ... for the virus of hatred without cause.

A drop of wine ... for the blight of blood-violence and abuse.

A drop of wine ... for silence that lets evil prevail.

A drop of wine ... for darkness that shuts out the light of reason.

And on this night, this season of hope— a drop of wine ... for every child in grief and pain, in this place and in every place: for you… we choose life and blessing— the death of hunger, ignorance, and affliction.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues