We Begin to Answer


This night is truly different from other nights, for on this night, we celebrate a most important event in the history of humanity.  On this night, we celebrate the going forth of a people from slavery to freedom.  Now we will answer each question specifically.

Why do we eat only matzoh tonight?  When the Israelites left Egypt, they fled in a great hurry.  They had no time to bake bread, nor could they wait for the yeast to rise.  So the sun beating down on the dough they carried baked into a flat, unleavened bread we call matzoh.

Why do we eat bitter herbs tonight?   Because our ancestors were slaves and their lives were bitter.

Why do we dip herbs twice tonight?   We dip parsley into salt water to remind us of the tears of those who do not know freedom.  We dip bitter herbs into charoset as a sign of hope.  The bitterness of our ancestors' enslavement was sweetened by the hope of freedom. 

Why do we recline at the table?  Reclining at the table was a sign of a free person in olden days.  We recline to show that we are free.

We perform these rituals so that we ourselves can taste the bitterness of slavery and experience the joy of freedom. 

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions
Source: The Family Haggadah