Those Were The Plagues

Sung to the tune of "Those Were the Days"

God sent Moses with a plea to Pharoah

Pharoah told him he should go away.

Next day, when the kids went to school in Egypt,

All the water in the fountains was type A!

( Chorus)

Those were the plagues, my friends

We thought they'd never end

The blood and frogs and hail and beasts and lice

And Pharaoh just says no

Won't let our people go

But keeping slaves just isn't very nice.

Later frogs infested all of Egypt

And when they left, the lice were spreading, too.

But worse than that were wild beasts that plagued us

God had opened all the cages in the zoo!

( Chorus)

Fifth, came outbreaks; later came the break-outs,

Boils, then winds of hail and locusts blew.

After that came darkness, total blackout

There was nothing the electric company could do!

Those were the plagues, my friends

We thought they'd never end,

But then they did, with tragedy and woe.

When all the firstborn died, then all of Egypt cried

(sing slowly)

And Pharaoh said he'd let my people go!

haggadah Section: Songs
Source: Kehilat HaNahar, New Hope, Pennsylvania