We are grateful, and yet what miracles and accomplishments would be sufficient in today's world for us to be truly satisfied?

When people all over the world receive just compensation and respect for their labors, and can take pride in their work... Dayenu.

When governments end the escalating production of devastating weapons, secure in the knowledge that they will not be necessary... Dayenu.

When all people live freely in their countries, practicing their beliefs and cultures, and loving whom they wish, without interference or persecution... Dayenu.

When all children grow up in freedom, without hunger, and with access to real education and with the love and support needed to realize their full potential... Dayenu.

When people of all ages, sexes, races, abilities, orientations, cultures, and nations respect and appreciate one another... Dayenu.

When no elderly person has to fear hunger, cold, loneliness, or inadequate medical care... Dayenu.

If tonight each person could say, "This year I worked as hard as I could toward my goals for improving this world, so that one day all people can experience the joy and freedom I feel sitting with my family and friends at the Seder table... Dayenu.  Dayenu!

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu
Source: The Family Haggadah