Urchatz - A New Handwashing Ritual


During the Seder, we wash our hands twice to prepare for the rituals we are about to perform. Traditionally, the first handwashing of the Passover Seder is performed quickly, without a blessing, by the host of the Seder on behalf of the guests. As we are all washing our hands more often these days to protect ourselves and our communities from the coronavirus, we acknowledge that water is purifying, both in the spiritual sense, and in its very real ability to clean.

In these days we are instructed to wash our hands over and over and over. As we do so at the seder this year, we can recite the following prayer:

"In these difficult times, I commit myself, dedicating my hands to doing good for the world; giving charity; using my hands to help others in physical need; writing words that can make a difference; raising our hands to reflect the words of the Psalmist, S’eu yedeichem kodesh – lift your hands in holiness.”

haggadah Section: Urchatz
Source: Lianna Mendelson and https://www.jewishedproject.org/news/haggadah-2020-passover-time-coronavirus