Tonight is the second night of Passover. We are coming together to have a casual seder so that everyone has the chance to meet one another. While it won't be traditional, I hope you will enjoy going through the basic motions and sharing time together.

The Order of the Seder + Our Roles

Order of the Seder : Grandma Libby and Grandpa Gene 

The Seder Plate : Grandma Phyllis 

Kadesh (1st cup) : Rich and Tina

Urchatz (silent handwashing) : Nonna

Karpas (vegetable in salt water) : Matt

Yachatz (breaking the matzah) : Ian and Sam

Maggid (the story) :

1. Four Questions: Julian and Adam

2. Four Children: Nonna, Grammy, Grandma Phyllis 

3. The Story: Everyone

4. Ten Plagues: Everyone

5. Cup #2: Rich and Tina

6. Dayenu: Everyone

Rachtzah (second handwashing): Grandma Libby and Grandpa Gene

Motzi + Matzah (prayers over Matzah): Andrea and Michael Tannenbaum

Maror (the bitter herbs): Matt

Korech (sandwhich): Ian and Sam

Cup #3: Rich and Tina

Shulchan Orech (the dinner): We will skip this part, but I will make it fun :)

Tzafun (afrikomen): Grammy

Bareich: Andrea and Michael

Miriam's and Elijah's Cups: Ari

Hallel, Cup #4: Rich and Tina

Nirtzah: Everyone!

haggadah Section: Introduction