Every year, we tell the story of the Exodus so that we can remember where we came from, how far we've gone, and look toward our future. This year, we want to recount the story in our own words.

After Jacob's sons settled in Egypt, we became too numerous and it began to worry Pharaoh. He enslaved us and ordered that all newborn sons be thrown into the Nile River. Moses's mother, Yocheved, selflessly placed Moses in a basket, and sent him adrift on the Nile, with the hope that he might survive. She couldn't have known that her sacrifice changed the course of history. 

Deliver Us

Hush now, my baby, 

Be still love, don't cry

Sleep as you're rocked by the stream

Sleep and remember my last lullaby

So I'll be with you when you dream. 

The Pharoah's daughter found Moses and decided to adopt him as her own son. Years later, Moses witnessed a guard whipping a Hebrew slave and in trying to intervene ended up killing the guard. Ashamed of what he'd done, Moses ran away into the desert. He came to the nomadic tribe of Midian where he met the high priest Jethro, who took him and welcomed him into the community.

Heaven's Eyes

A single thread in a tapestry
Though its color brightly shine
Can never see its purpose
In the pattern of the grand design
And the stone that sits on the very top
Of the mountain's mighty face
Does it think it's more important

Than the stones that form the base?

[Ai  lai lai ]

So how can you see what your life is worth
Or where your value lies?
You can never see through the eyes of man
You must look at your life
Look at your life through Heaven's eyes

[Ai lai lai ]

Moses becomes a shepherd and marries Jethro's eldest daughter, Tsipporah. Tsipporah is essential in this story, as she encouraged Moses to fulfill his calling. When HaShem called Moses to action through the burning bush, Moses and his family journeyed back to Egypt to confront Pharaoh. HaShem tasked Moses with freeing our people. When Moses approached his brother and asked him to "let my people go," Pharoah's heart was hardened and he refused. 

Go Down Moses

Go down Moses, way down in Egypt land

Tell old Pharoh to let my people go.

When Isreal was in Egypt land, 

Let my people go,

Oppressed so hard they could not stand,

Let my people go,

Go down Moses, way down in Egypt land

Tell old Pharoh to let my people go.

HaShem decided to make an example of the Egyptians and sent forth ten plagues, which included: 

Blood | dam | דָּם

Frogs | tzfardeiya | צְפַרְדֵּֽעַ

Lice | kinim | כִּנִּים

Beasts | arov | עָרוֹב

Cattle disease | dever | דֶּֽבֶר

Boils | sh’chin | שְׁחִין

Hail | barad | בָּרָד

Locusts | arbeh | אַרְבֶּה

Darkness | choshech | חֹֽשֶׁךְ

Death of the Firstborn | makat b’chorot | מַכַּת בְּכוֹרוֹת

It wasn't until Pharoah's son was killed in the tenth plague, that he gave in and agreed to free the Hebrews. Moses quickly gathered everyone and took them to the Red Sea.

When they reached the sea, they paused, not knowing how to cross. In that time, Pharaoh had changed his mind, and sent soldiers after the Hebrews. HaShem sent down a pillar of fire to stall the Egyptian forces and instructed Moses to take his staff and thrust it into the Red Sea. Hence, the sea split and the Israelites crossed on dry land to the other side. As soon as everyone was safe, the walls of the sea crashed down on the pursuing army. Miriam led our people in song to rejoice in our newfound freedom. 

Moses, Miriam, and Aaron led our people into the desert to the base of Mt. Sanai. Moses was called to the summit where HaShem dictated the ten commandments to him. It would take another 40 years for our people to reach the promised land, but we would never again have to return to the yoke of slavery. 

When You Believe 

Ashira l'adonai; ki gao ga-ah

Ashira l'adonai; ki gao ga-ah

Mi chamocha baelim adonai

Mi kamocha nedar ba kodesh

Nachita v'chas-d'cha am zu ga-alta

Nachita v'chas-d'cha am zu ga-alta

Ashira, ashira, ashira

Ashira l'adonai; ki gao ga-ah

Ashira l'adonai; ki gao ga-ah

Mi chamocha baelim adonai

Mi kamocha nedar ba kodesh

Nachita v'chas-d'cha am zu ga-alta

Nachita v'chas-d'cha am zu ga-alta

Ashira, ashira, ashira!

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story