One of the important themes of Passover is renewal.  As we close the chapter in this house, we move forward to open the next in a new home.  Regardless of where you live, if you have a home of your own, or what stage of life you are in, I hope you know that whereever I am will be a home for you and your family too and you are always welcome.  Coincidentally, this change is happening in the spring, also a new chapter for the earth after a long winter.  On our seder plate is parsley as a symbol of spring, the season of renewal.  Lest we think we can stop there and simply celebrate new beginnings with a sprig, we must remember that we are Jews and it's never that simple.  Instead, we dip the parsley into salt water to remind us that opeing new chapters is often filled with both the happiness of hope and tears of loss.   I sense no one will miss the delightful amuse bouche of salty parsley, so instead, we will metaphorically perform this part of the Seder by sharing:  What are things you hope for in this new chapter? And what are you sad to be leaving behind?

haggadah Section: Conclusion