These are the Plagues that the coronavirus, COVID-19, brought upon the world.

Lessen your cup of wine with each of the following.

Fever |   Khom   | חום

Cough |   Shiy'ul   | שיעול

Shortness of Breath |   Qotser Neshiymah   | קוצר נשימה

Loss of Taste  |  Avvedann Ta'am   | אובדן טעם

Fatigue |  Ayefut  | עייפות

Anxiety |  Kharada   | חרדה

Isolation |  Bidud  | בידוד

Fear |   Pakhad   | פחד

Financial Hardship |  Qeshayim Kalekaliim  | קשיים כלכליים

Death  |  Mavet   | מוות

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues