Moses, a Hebrew child was born at a time his people were enslaved in Egypt. The Pharaoh (King of Egypt) commanded that all Hebrew boys must be killed when they are born. To save his life, his mother hid him in a basket by the Nile river. 

Pharaoh's daughter heard the baby crying when she went to go wash in the Nile. She took the baby home and raised him as her own. 

Moses grew up in Pharaoh's palace. One day, Moses witnessed an Egyptian slave driver beating two Hebrew slaves. He became so angry that he killed the slave driver. Moses then ran away from his home in fear of what might happen to him. 

After he fled, one day G-d appeared to him in a burning bush! G-d told Moses that he must return and free his people. 

Moses returned to Egypt and did as G-d asked. He told the Pharaoh "Let My People Go!" and his staff turned into a snake to prove that he was sent by G-d! 

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story