Is This the Haggadah for Me?

Passover is a time of traditions.

Family and friends come together, a feast is prepared. We pour wine and say blessings, we tell the story that has been told for generations of the birth of the Hebrew people from suffering and oppression. We wait longer then we want to eat and we end with dry matzoh. Everything is done in the right order with its own time and place.

Passover is a time to celebrate difference.

Our traditions tell us to ask what makes this night, this time, different. We discuss different types of people and how to share our traditions with them. The Haggadah evolves and changes to celebrate all kinds of people. We add new things to the Seder plate to represent women and peace and queer people and so much else.

This Haggadah is different.

It is for the Jews who have chosen a different path. We are Heathens and Pagans and Witches. We do not only question the differences of this night, but the beliefs and traditions of our ancestors. Yet we still gather for Passover. We come together to ask the questions and to tell the story and to remember that our stories of heros and spirits and gods are as deep and connected to our roots as those told over the generations of Jews and Hebrews who have celebrated Passover.

haggadah Section: Introduction