Four Questions - Ma Nishtanah sing-along 


What makes this night different from all [other] nights?

1) On all nights we need not dip even once, on this night we do so twice?

2) On all nights we eat chametz or matzah, and on this night only matzah?

3) On all nights we eat any kind of vegetables, and on this night maror?

4) On all nights we eat sitting upright or reclining, and on this night we all recline?


Mah nishtanah halyla hazeh mikol halaylot

1) She'bechol halaylot ain anu matbilin afilu pa'am echat, halyla hazeh shtei pe'amim?

2) She'bechol halaylot anu ochlim chametz o matza, halyla hazeh kulo maztah?

3) She'bechol halaylot anu ochlim she'ar yerakot, halyla hazeh maror?

4) She'bechol halaylot anu ochlim bain yoshvin bain mesubin, halyla hazeh kulanu mesubin?


Tate ich vil bei dir fregen di fir kashes:

Ma nishtana halayla hazeh mikol haleylos. Vos iz anderesh fun der nacht fun Pesach fun ale necht fun a gants yor?

1) Di ershte kashe iz,

Sheb'chol haleylos eyn anu matbilin afilu pa'am echas, halayla hazeh sh'tey p'amim?

Ale necht fun a gants yor tunken mir nisht ayn afileh eyn mol, ober di nacht fun peysach, tunken mir ayn tsvey mol — ayn mol karpas in zaltz vasser, di tsveyte mol maror in charoses?

2) Di tsveyte kashe iz,

Sheb'chol haleylos anu ochlin chameytz oy matzah, halayla hazeh kulo matzah?

Ale necht fun a gants yor esn mir chomets ader matseh, ober di nakht fun peysakh, esn mir nor matseh?

3) Di drite kashe iz,

Sheb'chol haleylos anu ochlin sh'ar yerakos, halayla hazeh maror?

Ale necht fun a gants yor esn mir alerlay grintsen, ober di nacht fun peysach, esn mir nor bitere grintsen?

4) Di ferte kashe iz,

Sheb'chol haleylos onu ochlin beyn yoshvin uveyn m'subin, halayla hazeh kulanu m'subin?

Ale necht fun a gants yor esn mir say zitsndikerheit un say ongeleynterheit, ober di nakht fun peysach, esn mir nor ongeleynterheit?

Tate ich hob bei dir gefrekdt di di fir kashes yetzt gib mir a teretz.

haggadah Section: -- Four Questions