Chorus: 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10 plagues in Egypt land. (2x)

Blood in the water made the river run red, 10 plagues in Egypt land.
Pharaoh shoulda' listened to what God said, 10 plagues in Egypt land. chorus

Frogs were jumping in Pharaoh's hair, 10 plagues in Egypt land
Pharaoh didn't like it but the frogs didn't care, 10 plagues in Egypt land. chorus

Creepy, crawly, itchy lice, 10 plagues in Egypt land
Mess with the Holy One, better think twice, 10 plagues in Egypt land. chorus

Filthy flies so dirty and vile, 10 plagues in Egypt land
Not exactly Pharaoh's style, 10 plagues in Egypt land. chorus

The cattle and the horses and the oxen died, 10 plagues in Egypt land
"I won't give up!" old Pharaoh cried, 10 plagues in Egypt land. chorus

Boils and blisters on his skin, 10 plagues in Egypt land
Give it up Pharaoh you're never gonna win, 10 plagues in Egypt land. chorus

The hail rained down from the heavens on high, 10 plagues in Egypt land
Hurt so much made Pharaoh cry, 10 plagues in Egypt land. chorus

Swarms of locusts ate the crops, 10 plagues in Egypt land
Hard-hearted Pharaoh just wouldn't stop, 10 plagues in Egypt land. chorus

Dark descended in the light of the day, 10 plagues in Egypt land
Pharaoh was lost, couldn't find his way, 10 plagues in Egypt land. chorus

First-born, the final blow, 10 plagues in Egypt land
Finally Pharaoh let the people go, 10 plagues in Egypt land. chorus

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: Peter and Ellen Allard, Bring the Sabbath Home