Seder Leader: Blood and fire and thick smoke...

These are the plagues, that the Holy One, Blessed be He, sent upon the Egyptians in Egypt.

As each plague is named, we will take a drop of wine and spill it from our cups onto our plates.

Dam - Blood

Ts'fardei-a -- Frogs

Kinim - Gnats

Arov - Flies

Dever - Disease

Sh'chin - Boils

Barad - Hail

Arbeh - Locusts

Chosech - Darkness

Makat B'chorot - Death of the first-born

Finally, Pharaoh let the Hebrew people go. They left laden with silver and gold. Then, Pharaoh changed his mind. Yahweh protected the people by parting the Red Sea before them. As Pharaoh's men closed in on them the sea swallowed them up, trapping them and destroying the army. The Hebrew nation, however, was safe.

haggadah Section: -- Ten Plagues
Source: The Lion of Judah Society, John J. Parson, Robert A.Singer