Tonight, we remember that we are in Mitzraim (Egypt), the narrow place. There are four cups of wine that recall four of God's promises to His people.

I shall take you out.

I shall rescue you.

I shall redeem you.

I shall take you to me.

The first cup is the "Cup of Sanctification." It recalls how Yahweh has set us apart as His special people.

At this time, each person should fill the wine cup of the person seated next to them.

Seder Leader: Blessed art Thou, ADONAI, our ELOHIM, King of the universe, Creator of the fruit of the vine.

Blessed are You, YAHWEH our ELOHIM, King of the Universe, who chose us from all peoples and exalted us from all tongues, and sanctified us with His commandments. And You gave to us, YAHWEH our ELOHIM, with love appointed times for gladness, festivals, and times for joy.

Blessed art thou, YAHWEH our ELOHIM, Master of the universe, who has kept us alive and sustained us and has brought us to this special time.

All: Amen

Everyone raise your first cup. We are now ready to drink this first cup while leaning to the left. We lean because that was the posture of free people at meals. Those whom God liberated in the Exodus were no longer slaves.


haggadah Section: Kadesh
Source: The Lion of Judah Society, John J. Parson, Robert A.Singer