Now it's time to tell the story of the Exodus! We've broken the story into six sections, which we'll take turns performing! Each section will be performed in sixty seconds or less (please

see notes below): 

Part I: How the Jews found themselves in Egypt

Part II: Enslavement

Part III: Birth of Moses

Part IV: Moses assumes Leadership

Part V: Ten Plagues

Part VI: Exodus and Parting of the Red Sea


*Seder leader(s) can assign story sections prior to the seder or alot time during the seder for others to prepare presentations.

*Be creative!! Charades, costumes, sock puppets, drawings and screenshares, contemporary interpretations all welcome!

*Assign a time keeper

*Feel free to research your section further but you can also this illustrated summary or this children's summary to start:

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story