Names for the Divine ...

During our seder tonight, we invite you to use (and substitute into any of our readings) whichever name of G*d which most appeals to you. Additionally, rather than thinking of G*d as an external presence, force, or person, we also invite you to think about the Sacred Light within each of us and, particularly this year (2020), the power of a united community to help, heal, and create.

Here are some examples: 

HaShem - literally "The Name"

Shekhinah (Hebrew: שכינה) - the female presence or manifestation of God which dwells amongst humanity.

En Sof אין סוף ("Infinite" or "Endless")

The Source or Source of Peace or Source of All Existence

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: "Love & Justice in Times of War" Haggadah compiled and created by Dara Silverman and Micah Bazant 2003