It is a common custom to chant the outline of the 14 (or 15, depending how they are counted) steps in the Seder. The tune is often attributed to the great medieval sage Rashi - which may be too good to be true, but in any case the chanting of the order is a reminder that the Seder is much older than the printing press, and its original design is intended to be conducive to conducting it from memory!

Kadesh                              קדש
Urchatz                             ורחץ
Karpas                              כרפס
Yachatz                              יחץ
Maggid                              מגיד
Rochtzah                         רחצה
Motzi -                           - מוציא
    Matzah                    מצה
Maror                               מרור
Korech                              כורך
Shulchan Orech      שלחן עורך
Tzafun                               צפון
Barech                               ברך
Hallel                                  הלל
Nirtzah                              נרצה

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: Traditional