We dip greens in saltwater twice tonight to recognize that life is a cycle of times of suffering and times of joy.

  • Saltwater symbolizes the tears of slaves poured out because of their heavy burdens and harsh treatment.
  • It also symbolizes the desolation and depressing loneliness of the winter season.
  • Greens symbolize the release from slavery and the elation that accompanies freedom.
  • They also symbolize the hopeful expectation of good that comes with the rebirth of life in the spring season.

soak the greens in saltwater and eat

Suffering, like saltwater, is bitter. Too much saltwater and the taste of the greens is ruined. A little saltwater, however, sweetens the taste of the greens of life. With the first dip, we soak the greens to taste the bitterness of betrayal that comes from purposeless discipline, oppression, or wickedness. With the second dip, we limit the exposure of the greens to the saltwater to taste the enhancement of the flavor of the greens of life that comes from purposeful corrective discipline.

Rebirth, like the greens, is joyous, for as the fresh beautiful greens are reborn in the spring from the deadened bleak soil of winter, so are we reborn when freedom is restored to mankind.

ALL: Blessed are you, eternal Lord our God, king of the universe, creator of the fruit of the earth and father to all mankind. For you do not give us the spirit of the first dip. Just the power, the love and the self discipline that comes from the second dip. Amen.

lightly dip and eat the greens

haggadah Section: Karpas