Light the candles

Blessed are you, eternal Father our God, king of the universe, who has sanctified us through your word and your faithfulness to it, and instructed us to enlighten ourselves and remember the Passover. We light these symbolic holiday candles to honor You and to humbly remember. Amen.

Fill the first cup of the feast

We drink one cup of wine in honor of each of the four Passover promises of God in Exodus 6:6. We begin the Seder with the first promise. "I am the Lord, and I will bring you out from under the yoke of the Egyptians". Freedom.

  • Sanctification means purification and freedom from sin. Sin was knocking at Cain's door, Cain let sin into the world, and sin manifested death.
  • The world has been in bondage to sin and death ever since. God, however, has brought forth a new nation through Abraham and He put that nation into the world to show forth His willingness and His ability to purify man from the pollution of sin and liberate man from enslavement to death.
  • Thank you Lord. our Father and our king, for your promise to sanctify us, your people.

Lift the first cup

Blessed are you, eternal Father our God, king of the universe. We give thanks to you for the preservation of our spirit through every hardship and brutality, through both defeat and victory. We give thanks for the exodus from Egypt which became the great symbol of freedom. We give thanks for the divine inspiration that taught us to live by your Word. We give thanks for your Torah that proclaims dignity for man, and we give thanks for your grace and power by which we are sanctified in your Name.

Amen. Drink the first cup

haggadah Section: Kadesh