The Story of Pesach For Young Children

A long time ago in the land of Egypt, the Jewish people were very unhappy. The mommies were sad, the daddies were sad, and the children were sad. King Pharoah did not let the Jewish people choose the kind of work they wanted to do. He mad them work even when they were tired and not feeling well.

Bang, bang, bang, hold your hammer low

Bang, bang, bang, give a heavy blow

For it's work, work, work every day and every night

For it's work, work, work, when it's dark and when it's light.

Dig, dig, dig you shovels deep

Dig, dig, dig, there's no time to sleep

For it's work, work, work every day and every night

For it's work, work, work, when it's dark and when it's light.

A very wise and wonderful man named Moses, said, "This is not right!" The Jewish people should leave Egypt and go to their own country and be free!"

Moses went to King Pharoah and said:

Oh listen, oh listen, oh listen King Pharoah

Oh listen, oh listen, please let my people go!

They want to go away, they work too hard each day,

King Pharoah, King Pharoah, what do you say?

No, no, no, I will not let them go!

No, no, no, I will not let them go!

But the Jewish people stood up and said:

(Tune: Hinei Ma Tovu)

We are going to go-o even though you say no! (2x)

No matter what you say, we'll live in our Jewish way (2x)

We are going to go-o even though you say no! (2x)

We must be free to go to our own country! (2x)

We are going to go-o even though you say no! (2x)

"Then you will be punished, King Pharoah," said Moses.

So...One morning when Pharoah woke in his bed,

There were frogs in his bed and frogs on his head!

Frogs on his nose and frogs on his toes,

Frogs here, frogs, there, frogs were jumping everywhere!

"Take the frogs away," said King Pharoah, "and I will let your people go!" But when the frogs were gone, King Pharoah changed his mind. Moses said, "Then you will have to be punished again, King Pharoah." How many times did Pharoah have to be punished before he let the Jewish peple go?...10 times!!!

(Tune: Bingo)

There was a leader in the land

And Moses was his name-o

M-o-s-e-s, M-o-s-e-s, M-o-s-e-s

And Moses was his name-o

This very wise and wonderful Jewish man, Moses, said, "This is not right!  The Jewish people should leave Egypt and go to their own country and be free!"

The Jewish people were in such a hurry to leave Egypt that they did not have time to bake their bread the way they usually did. They took the dough with them. When they were safely out of Egypt, and walking in the desert, they baked the dough on rocks in the sun. When it was finished, it was was matzah!!

Bake a Matzah, pat, pat, pat

Do not make it fat, fat, fat.

Bake a Matzah, flat, flat, flat,

Bake a Matzah, Just like that!

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: BJE Board of Jewish Education of Metropolitan Chicago