If in Egypt we became foreigners who were denied all rights to existence, liberty and land, and in this lay the root of our subjugation, we must not do to others what we ourselves hate. The Palestinian people that lives among us also needs its land, its existence, and its liberty. But it is not through a peace of secularization, which severs the people from its roots, that we will attain to peace and to our inheritance. Not through ways of divide and rule, intimidation and hate. Only through a brave conjoining of all the children of Abraham who dwell in this land will God’s blessing to our forefather Abraham, “and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him”, come true for us.

– Michael Melchior

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story
Source: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwagF937A_8SLVZRQl91RHl5eGc/view