We were slaves unto Pharaoh, and now we are free. Passover for us is not only a celebration of freedom, but also a remembrance of subjugation, and both oblige us, in every generation, to engage in tikkun olam – to repair the world and struggle against injustice. The Mishnah teaches that whoever saves one person’s life has sustained an entire world; it follows that whoever saves a nation and a culture has sustained a great many worlds.

Our world was sustained with the justified establishment of the State of Israel, yet this very event compels us to pursue justice for our neighbors as well. The Palestinian people yearn for their own escape from bondage. In the fiftieth year of Israel’s rule over them we must raise our voices and cry out for freedom. In this fiftieth year, we must sanctify the land, and affirm our unbreakable bond to the principles of justice and peace. In this fiftieth year, we must break free and set free, redeem ourselves and our neighbors from the house of bondage, as is written: “Sanctify the fiftieth year, and proclaim liberty throughout the land for all its inhabitants”. (Leviticus 25.10).

haggadah Section: Introduction
Source: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwagF937A_8SLVZRQl91RHl5eGc/view