The Story of Passover

Reader 1

Every year we sit at a table Fit for a king and queen. We retell the story of our ancestors, Who were slaves to Pharaoh, so mean. 

Reader 2

The Jews they worked in Egypt. No rest, no time to play. They built the city, they built the palace. Oh, how they wished to run away! 

Reader 1

"We need some help," they cried to God. God heard their cries and made a plan. God needed a partner to lead the people. Moses was the one who would lead the clan.

Reader 2

When Moses was born, his mommy knew She had to save him, so her plan grew. She used a teva for a boat, And down the river Moses did float.

Reader 3

Lucky for us he was saved by Pharaoh's daughter, When she was bathing in the water. She found little Moses, took him into her home, And cared for him like he was her own.

Reader 4

When Moses grew up big and strong, He found out where he really belonged And knew he had to make right from wrong!

Reader 1

God spoke to Moses from a bush that was burning And told him that the tide was turning. Moses with God's help would be The leader who would set the Jews free! He went to Pharaoh and made his plea, But Pharaoh just laughed and laughed with glee.

Reader 2

What do you think Pharaoh said back to him?  No, No, No, I will not let you go! (Stamp feet) No, No, No, I will not let you go! (Everyone says with determination!)

Reader 3

Moses tried really hard to make Pharaoh see That his people just had to be free. And God sent 10 plagues to strengthen the plea. So, Pharaoh said, "You may go! Take your people and leave today."

Reader 4

We had so little time to gather and pack our things. We put our possessions on carts, in a basket or sack. We hurried so fast across the parted sea. The Jewish people at last were free.(Have the children go around the room and name one thing that they would bring, perhaps explain why, and then pretend to put it in a bag. They could whisper itsecretively to their neighbor, as well.) (Several "crossing the sea" activities could be done here, such as each participant jumping over a blue plastic streamer that two people are holding and wiggling.)

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story