First Cup

Stephanie Landes. 2021. Prayer over the First Cup [Water color].

Artist's Statement:The first cup painting is a symbol of two cups clinging together creating an effect of the wine pouring over eachother into a heart shape. The art piece includes the blessing over the wine, and the reminder that our creator has kepts us alive, raised us up, and brought us to this happy moment. The First Cup is called the "cup of sanctification" that represents the first 'I Will' of God - his promise to free Israelites off from the slavery under the Egyptians.

Bio: Stephanie Landes, is a young adult pursuing her career in expressive arts therapy as she is completing her second year at California Institute of Integral Studies. She has a background in painting and writing, and currently posts her "artspiration" on instagram at stephs_artspiration as well as writes a blog called: She is continuing learning about her relationship with her Jewish identity and is currently a volunteer for the Tasman Center.

haggadah Section: Kadesh