Cover Art

Bobbi Premack Gorban. 2022. Matza.

Artist Statement: This Matza cover is created to acknowledge some women of the Bible or holidays. It is stitched on special fabric that is perfect for the design. It is embellished with beads. Included are pomegranates which are mentioned many times in Judaic writings and one of my favorite symbols to incorporate in my needlework pieces.

Bio: I am an Art teacher & educator. I have worked in Jewish day schools, Hebrew schools and the JCCs in the Washington area. I have taught both children and adults in various other settings. My medium is fiber arts and I have been a member of Art Sites – Judaic Art Guild and the Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Needlework & participated in many art shows and galleries. I have created Hiddur Mitzvah projects such as Tallitot, Matza and Challah covers & kippot. My recent creative endeavor is jewelry. I also design personalized name plaques incorporating Judaic symbols in each letter. I live in Potomac, MD with my husband Larry and we are blessed with 4 grandchildren.

haggadah Section: Introduction