
Rabbi Sarah Tasman. 2021. Dayenu: Gratitude and Abundance. [Photograph]

Artist Statement: Dayenu is a song that reminds us to be grateful.  Had God only brought us out of Egypt, that would have been enough. Had God only given us the Torah, that would have been enough. Had God only given us Shabbat, that would have been enough. Though we only sang the first three stanzas growing up, Dayenu actually goes on for 15 verses. I chose to represent this sense of abundance and gratitude with an image from a retreat that I led a few years ago for Summer Solstice. In the center, a plate of seasonal items including fruits, vegetables, spices and natural objects reminds us to harvest and take stock of the season. Reminiscent of the seder plate, this round platter evokes the circular nature of the wheel of the Jewish year cycle. Passover is springtime, renewal, and rebirth at its fullest. Surrounding the plate in the center are cups of india ink and art work made by each of the participants. Like the song Dayenu, the retreat also represents gratitude and abundance. If we had only gathered for the season, it would have been enough. If we had only had a meditation and movement, it would have been enough. If we had only done the plate making ritual, it would have been enough. If we only did the art making, it would have been enough. Take the time to notice the many layers of gratitude and abundance at your seder. 

Artist Bio: Rabbi Sarah Tasman is the founder of the Tasman Center for Jewish Creativity which offers. Rabbi Sarah specializes in leading experiential spirituality and Jewish mindfulness classes, providing opportunities for personal and professional development, and incorporating expressive modalities including writing, yoga, art and ritual. She was ordained by the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College in 2012. She also holds a master of Jewish Education and a certificate of non-profit management. Rabbi Sarah completed her 200 Hour Yoga & Meditation Teacher training at Kripalu Center for Yoga and Health in 2014. She is a Rabbis Without Borders Fellow and member of the Kenissa: Communities of Meaning network. She serves on the board of Shalom Learning. Learn more at or on Facebook or Instagram.

haggadah Section: -- Cup #2 & Dayenu