Shabbat Kiddush

On Shabbat Only (Friday nights)

Va-ye-hee erev, va-ye-hee voker.
Yom Ha-shi-shi.
Va-ye-chulu ha-sha-mayim vi-ha-aretz vi-kole tzi-va-am.
Va-yichal Elohim ba-yom hashe-vi'i milach-to asher asa.
Va-yish-bot ba-yome hashe-vi'i
mi-kole milach-to asher asa.
Va-ye-varech Elohim et yom hashe-vi'i va-yi-kadesh oto.
Kee vo shavat mi-kole milach-to
asher bara Elohim la’a-sot.

It was evening and it was morning. The sixth day. So the heavens and the earth were finished, with all their complement. On the seventh day, God had completed God’s work which God had undertaken, and God rested on the seventh day from all God’s work which God had been doing. Then God blessed the seventh day and made it holy, because on it God ceased from all God’s creative work, which God had brought into being to fulfill its purpose.

haggadah Section: Kadesh