Seder Renewal
Brothers and Sisters
let us order ourselves around this table
to negotiate new covenants;
let's rewrite our tragedies;
let's renew history;
let's translate our enslavement into the freedom of this moment.
Together we endured suffering; now
let's share a certain future:
past afflictions can be transformed
into renewed blessings;
let us break bread and sing praises to life;
let our Hallelujahs resonate deeply as a tikkun nefesh.
Heal my soul. O Lord heal others so I can be healed.
Let us sing on each cup of wine that zest for life
that brings us home to this table,
to the singing of this story,
our arms about one another
Dancing into freedom.
Dancing Into Freedom

Why is this night different
from all other nights?
Tonight we found Israel
in each other
and I danced with Deena
first daughter of Israel giggling at our miracle
dancing leaps joyous
before the Lord
The wine was sweet
our eyes drank to eternity
every sip warmed our love
gave us life.
Even Elijah stayed for a dram
saying, "Your fare is simple, mere matzot and cheese
but that's the way it used to be
when we truly wondered
in our freedom."

haggadah Section: -- Exodus Story